Hacktivist Data
My role
UX/UI Designer
Project started on April 2022, no specific deadline.
Team size
Tech organization (VeganHacktivists)
The Product
Hacktivist Data was designed to provide a user-friendly dashboard and platform for stakeholders to track data on the organization's efforts to educate and support communities through the technology it creates. The dashboard offers valuable insights to identify focus areas and enhance different approaches to support the animal cause. This iteration of the app has not yet been published, despite the completion of the project cycle.
My Responsibilities
I designed screens for both desktop and mobile platforms, ensuring that users have a responsive experience.I also designed the entire components library, while verifying that it aligned with the project's requirements, then followed and integrated the organization’s official branding to achieve visual consistency. I had the creative freedom to explore various design solutions, as long as they remained faithful to the organization's brand guidelines.
Style Guide
Creating a style guide for this project wasn’t necessary as I was given the organization's branding guidelines. I studied the brand identity closely so that my designs would be consistent with the organization's overall look and feel. Using my creativity, I still made sure to stay true to the brand. The final design is a well-rounded mix between the organization's identity and my own ideas, providing a positive user experience.
Components library
Previous feedback left by project leads indicated that the project file was disorganized. There were some existing screens, but they were inconsistent. Being the only designer on this project, I decided to start from scratch.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was the lack of a component library and design consistency. I didn't need to create a complete design system, but I knew that it was important to have some order in place so that designers, developers, and writers could collaborate easily.

My main goal was to create a cohesive set of components that aligned with the branding guidelines, and also to ensure that future iterations and enhancements would be easy to implement.
High Fidelity Mockup